Captains of Industry

March 20th, 2012

If you love David Bowie’s music then you will understand what I mean when I say “Ground Control to Major Tom“. (If you don’t know know who David Bowie is then stop reading and immediately download ALL of his albums from iTunes ASAP!  Trust me – you’re going to love him.  You can thank me later! And lucky you – there is something so great waiting for you to discover.)  So as I was saying, if you love David Bowie then will know the phrase, “Ground Control to Major Tom“.  The song’s narrative is based on Major Tom’s flight into outer space and his conversations with Ground Control, the space station on Earth.  One of my all time favourite songs especially because David Bowie manages to fully occupy both Ground Control AND Major Tom so completely through slight changes in his voice and intonation.  Brilliant!  Anyway, back to my story, sometimes when Jason heads off interstate for a commercial shoot or a wedding, I feel like I’m Ground Control to his Major Tom.  As he “takes his protein pills and puts his helmet on”, I’m here holding down the fort and trying to make his ‘orbit’ in a new city easier to manage.  Apart from making sure he has his flights booked and his accommodation and hire car at the ready, I often make suggestions about places to go for breakfast, site seeing (if he has time) and shopping. (Can you see how this will become and win-win situation?  I seriously love presents!!!)  So given Jason is currently growing a beard at my request, I suggested on his recent trip to Melbourne that he pop in to the Captains of Industry for a little hirsute advice.

The Captains of Industry are a gentlemen’s outfitters and cafe which offers a barber service, tailoring and bespoke footwear.  I have heard so much about it that when Jason said he was going to Melbourne it was on top, top, TOP of my list of suggested places of note.  I love that it is debunking the trend for mass-produced, cheap, designer rip-offs from China and bringing back the idea that you can buy quality, handmade goods that should (and will) last for yearsand possibly (shock horror) even get better with age.  I also love that it is keeping those beautiful traditions and crafts alive – tailoring, cobbling, even barbering – for future generations.  It also has this fabulous grace and respect for the business of men being men – that manliness doesn’t have to always be aligned with football and fishing but that taking considered pride in your appearance is as manly as all that, and then some.  At least so say the ladies, boys!

So if you are heading to Melbourne and your beard is unruly, or you are in need of a new suit or shoes – or you just want a damn fine cup of coffee, stop by the Captains of Industry.  Being a man who loves clothes and their transforming abilities, David Bowie would be right at home.  Major Tom?  I’m not so sure…

And because it is such a great, great song…

Joshua + Jerry Engagement Portrait

March 10th, 2012

We often get clients saying that they are really nervous in front of the camera, that they don’t like having their picture taken or they have never liked a single photograph of themselves.  And to be honest, I totally get where they are coming from.  That was so me for the first half of my life.  GAH – the horror, the horror, of looking at my old photos…shudder.  But like pretty much everything else in your life – like getting your eyebrows done, to fixing your car engine, to installing a light fixture – sometimes hiring a professional makes all the difference.  And I’m telling you, having photographs taken by a professional photographer with a professional camera with years of experience is light years away from those dreadful photos you have taken by Aunty Vera at your cousin Cameron’s 21st.  (And there is no way I am showing you those!!!)  Of course, Joshua and Jerry have none of these problems – relaxed in front of the camera, gorgeous pictures and photographs that show how much in love they are.  That is what a professional brings to the table – and why it is so important to get someone experienced and capable taking your wedding photographs.  Cause can you just imagine your old Aunt Vera with her little, ancient point-and-shoot camera, yelling “CHEESE” every five seconds while she holds her finger over half the lens on one of the most important days of your life?  Oh dear – now that is something to be nervous about.


Studio Sixty Photography is Brisbane wedding photographer Jason Starr, and studio manager Sally Ogilvie.

Well known for creative, natural, candid photographs of both local and international weddings, Studio Sixty Photography is capturing now and forever.

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