Gearing Up

December 10th, 2010

In keeping with Jason’s current series of all things bicycle and the bicycling way – he arranged to do a portrait of Erik from Gear Shop Brisbane in West End.  As I wasn’t invited (and I’m just saying…) I hear it was quite a production with Jason being assisted by two of our photographer friends, Todd and Mike.  (Although is it debatable whether you could call it assistance cause if you ask me, I think the boys just wanted to hang out together, play with cameras and bikes, and shoot the breeze!)  A MASSIVE thank you to Erik for waiting patiently for two hours while they fiddled (and I would have to say endlessly) with lights, cameras and smoke machines.  I know lots has been written about Erik and his contribution to the fixed gear revolution which has swept our fair city so I won’t go into the details but if you want to hear from the man himself check out his blog.  Thanks Erik!  Also if you want to know anything about the shot such as what gear, what lights, camera settings, what does it mean???!!! – just leave me a comment and I’ll ask Jason and get back to you.

Just The Two Of Us

December 6th, 2010

We must be one of the only photographers who don’t have any photos on our walls.  It is for no other reason than we both don’t want to have to fill, sand and paint everytime we change the photographs around and, let’s be honest here, we are likely to do that almost weekly.  Every photo shoot presents us with another favourite photo to hang so it would be a constant do and redo of our walls.  Given that I filled, sanded and painted all these walls four years ago when we moved in, I can tell you that I would rather run top speed into a brick wall than have to paint them again EVER.  So I found this cool new hanging system called Magnart.  It comes in a kit and contains double sided removable tape, metal plates and super strong magnets.  I LOVE it – it hasn’t damaged the paintwork and we can change the pictures daily if we like (which we seem to be doing).  Can I tell you, there is no stopping us.  So I thought I would show you the latest triptych – I love the fact that they convey the notion of romance but aren’t actually romantic.  Just the two of us, we can make it if we try, just the two of us…


Studio Sixty Photography is Brisbane wedding photographer Jason Starr, and studio manager Sally Ogilvie.

Well known for creative, natural, candid photographs of both local and international weddings, Studio Sixty Photography is capturing now and forever.

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