Leo + Carolyn

November 25th, 2011

As I gently place the telephone in the refrigerator and a slide a cheese slice into the toaster, I am slowly realising that I am in dire, desperate, unbelievable need of a holiday.  Wikipedia describes a holiday as “time away from normal employment or education.”  Being a small business owner, it is not very often that we can take time out and get away.  We work close to seven days a week, most nights, almost all weekends, pretty much all year round – so by the time the December-Christmas-holiday-craziness comes around I am stumbling around like a mad person, applying eyeliner instead of lipstick, hairspray instead of deodorant and putting on tee shirts, inside out and back to front.  This only just dawned on me while I have been staring at the computer screen, for well over 15 minutes, thinking about writing something special for Leo and Carolyn’s wedding photos.  I don’t know if any of you actually read what I write here and, to be honest, I know the photos are pretty distracting so I totally understand if these words just become white noise between all the ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs”.  So I think, for Leo and Carolyn, I might just let these photos tell the story themselves.  It was different and magical and a unique experience that created some stunning photos – nuff said!

Nick + Nicole Engagement Portrait

November 21st, 2011

We all love the new.  New clothes, new restaurants, new bars, new books, new movies, new anything!  Just look at how quick we are to replace things and you get my drift!  We are seduced by the power of ‘what will be’ rather than ‘what has been’.  Interesting really and probably explains why human beings have been compelled to explore and comb this earth, the universe and beyond – all reaching for the elusive and oh-so-sexy, new.  As a photographer, Jason is pretty enamoured with the new, too.  New cameras, new lenses, new locations…and I understand, it can be pretty exciting and heady stuff.  Waiting for that new magic to happen.  So when Nick and Nicole asked to shoot their engagement portrait at the Powerhouse in New Farm – well, I have to say, it wasn’t, well you know…new.  But almost in the same moment I thought that I remembered how much I really love the old too – your worn out sneakers, your worn in jeans, that great old music from your childhood, your all-time, favourite books.  That there is real magic, don’t you think?  Looking at these old things and seeing them ‘new’, like for the first time, all over again?  Making the old new again!


Studio Sixty Photography is Brisbane wedding photographer Jason Starr, and studio manager Sally Ogilvie.

Well known for creative, natural, candid photographs of both local and international weddings, Studio Sixty Photography is capturing now and forever.

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