Simple Summer Makeup

September 3rd, 2012

Travel Makeup Essentials

Summer is here.  I know for all of you who don’t live in Queensland you are actually having a spring, but for us, summer will be here in no time!  And for us northerners we all know what that means.  36 degree heat with 80% humidity – IN THE SHADE!!!  Queensland summers are brutal.  And trying to look cool and pulled together in the searing, sultry heat is near impossible!  My approach is the less-is-more one.  If there is one thing I cannot stand it’s that cake-face, heavy and usually not the correct shade of foundation that is literally stuccoed onto a pretty girl’s face.  Why would you do that to yourself?  Makeup should never be used to mask the real you.  Easy on the foundation, eyeliner, lipstick, ladies.  Let the real you shine!  With this in mind, these are my go-to basics that I use everyday and offer a little bit of help to make me look better, enhanced.  I am especially in love with OPI’s Crystal Nail File – this thing is amazing!  For someone who has the weakest nails in the world – this file is my saviour.  Get yourself one today!

Tropical Honeymoon Wardrobe

August 24th, 2012

Tropical Honeymoon Wardrobe

Ok – so be kind to me as this is my first foray into the world of Polyvore.  I’m not exactly sure if I used it right but I thought it would be fun to put together some ideas for a tropical honeymoon wardrobe.  I know we spend a LOT of time here talking about the wedding but one of the best parts about the wedding is the honeymoon afterwards!  Jetting off to some gorgeous island with the bluest sea you have ever seen, long sandy beaches and only your new husband to distract you!  Pure heaven.  So I thought it would be kind of fun to break down a really streamlined wardrobe of a few key pieces that mix and match for your trip!  Planning for this kind of trip is key.  Lay out all of the clothes you are planning on taking and work out what goes with what.  I’m telling you, this kind of packing is a revelation.  You see, before I met Jason I was the kind of girl who brought a different pair of shoes for each outfit I had ‘planned’, and I use the word ‘planned’ loosely because I really just packed everything I owned just in case I really needed it while I was away (even if it was only for a weekend!).  At the beginning of our relationship we would be heading away for the weekend and there I was, dragging 4 or 5 bags of clothes around, most of which I never wore!  Add that to the fact that Jason only ever travels with carry on luggage, and well, by the time we had wasted another half an hour waiting at baggage return and I became a convert to the carry on!  Never again would we waste a single moment waiting for our luggage.  To prove a point these 15 pieces of clothing equates to about 17 outfits!  And that isn’t even including accessories!!  And it would pack down pretty nicely into a tiny suitcase you can stow overhead.  Who would have thought it right?  Sometimes boys really know a thing or two huh?


Studio Sixty Photography is Brisbane wedding photographer Jason Starr, and studio manager Sally Ogilvie.

Well known for creative, natural, candid photographs of both local and international weddings, Studio Sixty Photography is capturing now and forever.

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