Yandina Station Wedding – Ryana + Simon
Yandina Station Wedding
There really is nothing sweeter as a wedding photographer than going deep undercover. Having your clients so relaxed that they let themselves go, be in the moment and forget you are there. Some people might think that is strange. Why would you want people to forget you are there? Wouldn’t it mean that you don’t get great photographs? On the contrary (and a trap for young players) the photographs that are THE BEST, are the ones where real stuff is happening! Not posed, not staged, not fake. THE REAL DEAL. If we were surfers we would probably call that state, The Stoke. (The Stoke – for anyone who doesn’t surf – is that first time elation you get when you ride your first wave. Apparently it is better than , well everything, and surfers spend their life chasing that high.) So I guess you could say us photographers are chasing The Stoke on each and every wedding. You know what I am talking about and it is reason why most people hate having their photograph taken, and hate the photographs of themselves as well. You know the drill, family gathering, dad brings out the camera and tells everyone to smile, while he adjusts the settings for what seems like half an hour, and then gets you to smile again, SMILE!!! and then – click – the world’s worst photograph. What you have is that fake smile with a little bit of boredom and a tinge of please-get-this-over-with frustration and annoyance. Now that’s a face you want in a photograph – NOT! This is the reason why candid photographs are better, you are wearing your real face, your real smile, your real laughter, your real love. And this love, the love between Ryana and Simon, oh-my-word-yes, this love is the realest of real loves.
Venue: http://yandinastation.com.au