Happy Valentine’s Day
This is the sign for “I love you”. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone – I hope you get to spend it with someone special.
This is the sign for “I love you”. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone – I hope you get to spend it with someone special.
We have been looking to replace the peach tree in the front yard pretty much since we planted it four years ago. It has been a stellar under performer – not flowering much, if at all, and not growing with any kind of elegance or grace befitting a peach tree. I spend the better portion of late Autumn worrying about whether it will flower in winter and how many flowers we will get and so on. So much so that Jason has threatened to pull in out every, single year. Why am I telling you this? Because it will explain why we were wandering around New Farm last week – looking at potential replacement trees. (If anyone cares we are thinking about a Tuckeroo, Crepe Myrtle or Little Gem Magnolia – anyone want to weigh in? Our vote can be bought!) It was on our recent investigatory walk that we came across this crazy sign. Obviously aiming to deter would-be thieves, what type of dog do you reckon warrants a sign like this? A pitbull-bichon frise cross with a tea cup poodle???